Hartuis! What’s your name?
Hartuis! My name is Katrusha but everyone calls me Kat.
This is my CYM story.
What is your role at CYM?
I am entering my second year as the Holova (Chair) of Oseredok Bradford, having been re-elected for the role at our AGM! Prior to being Holova, I was on the CYM leadership committee at Oseredok Bradford for many years as the sports leader.

What kind of activities do you take part in at CYM?
I have been a member of CYM since I was a young girl and attended weekly meets at my oseredok in Bradford. I have also taken part in CYM’s annual Regional and National Rallies, as well as summer camps at Tarasivka.
After attending summer camps as a youth member, I started to join the leadership teams - my first role was as a Royova (tent leader). I enjoyed being responsible for a tent of girls and was commended by the camp leadership team! I was asked to be Kyrinna (head of the girls camp) and most recently have held the position of Komandant of the entire summer camp!
At my Oseredok I help with lots of different activities from sport, to dancing, to working with my leadership team to arrange different events for our members. I love what I do, and I’m proud to be a CYMivka!
What does being part of CYM mean to you?
Being part of CYM is important to me and means that you are part of a wider family, not only in the UK but also throughout the entire world!
I have made lifelong friends at CYM and look forward to seeing them at summer camps, rallies and other events around the UK.
I feel fortunate that I am able to explore my Ukrainian culture and traditions in so many ways. CYM is a community that you feel safe in and everyone has a role to play. Being part of CYM is not just a hobby, it’s a way of life!

As my oseredok in Bradford have quoted in the past, being part of CYM
is like the song from the Lion King, ”The Circle of Life - CYMivske Kolo Zytya!”
