On Saturday 2nd April members of Cym Stockport took part in a sponsored walk which has so far raised an incredible £3,701.
The walkers were waved off by members of club and the Mayor and Mayoress of Stockport who gave an inspirational talk and said a prayer for Ukraina.
Between their 32 feet and 16 paws, they clocked up approx 272,000 steps & climbed 640 floors!! They left painted pebbles with messages of hope and peace along their route and had a picnic on top of Black Rock in Disley.
The walkers said the views from Black Rock were inspiring and somehow made the world seem a smaller place, amid the fun and laughter their thoughts were not far from Ukraine and their longing for peace and freedom.
Стокпорт ходить за Україну
Члени СУМ Стокпорт взяли участь у спонсорованій прогулянці, яка зібрала неймовірні £3701.